LeetCode 395: Longest substring with AtLeast K Repeating characters
Given a string
and an integerk
, return the length of the longest substring ofs
such that the frequency of each character in this substring is greater than or equal tok
Since we need to deal with contiguous array only sliding window method makes sense here.
function longestSubstring(s, k) {
//your code
first we need to have a hashmap to store all the count of letters
for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
// hash[s[i]] = hash[s[i]] ? ++hash[s[i]] : 1
if (!(s[i] in hash)) {
hash[s[i]] = 0;
now the best case scenario should be handled, that is when all the chars of the hash table has the count≥k we need to return that length;
if (Object.values(hash).every((val) => val >= k)) return s.length;
Now let think.
We need to traverse through the list, but need to stop when we encounter a letter that doesn’t has k counts. We split from the current_start position and up to the current position+1.